Express Your Thoughts
3 min readMar 21, 2021

World oral health day 2021


World Oral health day is celebrated globally on 20th of March. There is a great
importance of that day as it is celebrated to promote the general awareness regarding
oral health. Happy and healthy smile is loved by all and it’s only possible by
healthy teeth and oral health. People around the world and across all groups suffers from common dental diseases. World oral health day is celebrated to save your health as well as smilies.

Table of contents:

1. Theme of the WOHD 2021

2. Health damages caused by bad dental condition

3. How to maintain good oral hygiene?

4. Conclusion

Theme of the WOHD 2021

For the next three years, the overarching theme of the world oral health day is
“BE PROUD OF YOUR MOUTH”. The main purpose of that is to prevent people from oral diseases and empower them towards the proper knowledge of dental diseases. It encourages them to adopting the healthy hygiene routine and protect themselves from the risky diseases.

Health damages caused by bad dental condition

Due to the bad dental condition, one can affected by lots of oral and health diseases. Some of them are:

 Oral Cancer – oral cancer that develops in any part of the mouth includes lips, tongue,

throat and floor of the mouth. According to the American cancer society, “Men face twice the

risk of developing oral cancer as women. The main factors for development of this cancer are

smoking, HPV, excessive consumption of alcohol etc. Alcohol is the main reason of Oral cancer

than other ones. The person affected with oral cancer aren’t capable to speak properly, face

difficulty in chewing. There is unexplained bleeding in mouth.

 Gum diseases

Gum disease is very common in today’s people. This is the inflammation of the

gems that can lead to tooth loss and many other problems. Gum disease causes swollen gums that bleed easily. Untreated gum disease can cause a human heart as it further extent below the gum line and ligament that holds the teeth’s and

causes the teeth lose. It may also infect the heart valves and has proven deadly complications.


Cavity is also known as tooth decay. Cavity or teeth delay are one of the common disease among the oral health problems. Cavities are caused by not cleaning your

teeth well, bacteria and gems in your mouth.

If cavities aren’t treated well. They affect large and deeper layers of your mouth and also causes teeth loss.

 Bad breathing

Bad breathing is very embarrassing. Gums, cavities and other mouth

infections may contribute to bad breath. Food particles that collect in the surface of teeth or tongue are cause to bad breathing.

Image source:

How to maintain good oral hygiene

As we discussed, so many health problems due to the bad dental condition. So, it’s very

important to maintain our teeth well. There are some tips to control bad oral diseases.

 Your way of brushing is very important. Take your time and brush properly, moving brush in circular motions to remove the plaque.

 Don’t ever neglect your tongue while brushing. This will not only lead to bad breathing, but can help in occurring to other bad oral diseases.

 Choose your toothpaste gently. Choose a paste which contains fluoride as it contains defense power to fight against gums as well as providing a barrier to your teeth.

 Drink more and more water after every meal. This can help wash out the sticky and acidic foods.

 Avoid more eating of junk food and start adopting healthy vegetables and fruits. Eat salad at least once a day.

 Must consult your Dentist twice a year. This checkups may help you to get rid and aware from your minor and major dental disease.

 Flossing is also an important oral hygiene habit. It cleans yours food stuck between teeth and reduce the attack of bacteria. Flossing is not simply enough, it’s very important to do it correctly. Improper flossing can harm or damage your teeth.


As the theme says, “BE PROUD OF YOUR MOUTH”, let’s follow that with a beautiful smile of

healthy teeth. Only healthy oral health can help you to grow and stay healthy. So, it’s our

foremost responsibility to save our smile and keep it with healthy teeth

Writing credits: Sukhdeep Kaur